In addition to the short version of the film which can be seen here (in German), there is a further 30-minute documentary version. If you are interested you can order it directly from the filmmaker daniela.schaffart(at)
Daniela Schaffart reveals a very personal approach to the history of Jewry and national socialism in South Baden in the film “Geschichte ganz nah / History to feel and touch — Eine Reise zu den Gedenkstätten in meiner Heimat / A journey home to the memorials”. She makes her way to the memorials in this region and meets committed people there, artists, youths, school classes and contemporary witnesses. Various questions stimulate her: Why are people still interested in this topic today? What was the situation at the time? How do the memorials deal with the historical heritage? What offers are available to youths? Stations along her trip are the memorial Vulkan in Haslach, the cultural and memorial site Salmen in Offenburg, the former Synagogue in Kippenheim, The Jewish Museum in Emmendingen, the Blaue Haus / Blue House in Breisach and the former Synagogue in Sulzburg.
The film was supported by the department ‘Memorials’ of the Baden Wuerttemberg Centre for Political Education.