
  • The interior of the former Synagogue
  • Stars adorn the firmament ceiling
  • The Star of David in the window


Official website: >> The former Synagoge
Address: Gustav-Weil-Straße 20, 79295 Sulzburg
Information and booking: Tel. 07634 560040, Fax 07634 560050
Opening hours: First and last Sunday of a month, 4 pm to 6 pm, Admission free of charge
Sponsor of the Facility: Freundeskreis Ehemalige Synagoge e.V., Sulzburg Town

The Synagogue in Sulzburg

The Synagogue in Sulzburg was the third synagogue built in 1822 by a Jewish community in the then Grand Duchy of Baden following Karlsruhe and Randegg and is the only synagogue in Baden Wuerttemberg of the architecture school Friedrich Weinbrenner of late baroque mixed style which was not destroyed. Gustav Weil, 1808 – 1889 originates from Sulzburg, he was professor for oriental languages and the translator of “Thousand and One Nights”, the first Jewish professor at Heidelberg University. The building Holzfabrik, the sheds, the compound site was “Cleared of Jews” in 1939 until the Preservation of Historical Monuments attended to the interests of the building with its history following the demolitions of the Synagogues Rust (1962) and Müllheim 1968. In the mid-70ies the building became municipal property and was restored as cultural monument and memorial site.

Educational Programme

Visit with guide with prior notification, pedagogical offer for museum and memorial sites.

Places to visit in the vicinity

  • Jewish quarter
  • Jewish cemetery
  • Ottonian church St. Cyriak
  • Regional mining museum


Der jüdische Friedhof in Sulzburg Verlag Braun, 2. Auflage 1995
Dichter des deutschen Landjudentums Jacob Picard, Ausstellungskatalog 1992
„Ich bin doch geborener Sulzburger und Deutscher“ Zur Geschichte der israelitischen Gemeinde Sulzburg, Freiburg 1994
Die Stimme Der Wörter Der Bilder Arbeiten von Gerta Haller, 1996
Das Sulzburger Feld Arbeiten von Christian Lapie, 2000/2001
Gestalt und Gedächtnis Skulpturen von Franz Gutmann, 2002
Materialien zur Geschichte der Juden in Sulzburg, 2005, 2. Auflage 2006
Bert Jäger Ausstellungskatalog 2009
Zeitspur Ausstellungskatalog 2010